Living Life in Color


Welcome to The Pastel Blonde where creativity flows, and we always live life in color. Please feel free to create and use any of the patterns and information in my blogs to help creatively color your world and the world around you.

Hi my name is April and I am a crochet artist, crafter, cook and all around creative soul who loves to share my knowledge with others.

I began to explore my creative endeavors at a very young age, trying my hand at painting murals, sewing, scrapbooking, and DIY home projects. I worked in childcare for many years where not only my creativity was allowed to soar but where I learned new skills from many wonderful co-workers. After having my sons I really got to let my creativity soar by creating things to enhance their world and the world around them.

Why Crochet? I was looking for a creative outlet that I could do on long car rides and during quite times that would not entail cleaning up a big mess afterwards. All you tired moms I am sure can relate. While shopping at a local thrift shop and saw a teach yourself crochet book from the 60’s and thought I could do that. So, I bought the book, a skein of yarn and a hook and set off on my new adventure.

At the time there were no you-tube or google to fall back on to help with the learning process, so I sat down with my book and began to stitch, frog (rip it all out), stitch, repeat until I got what I felt was a reasonable idea of how to work the yarn. Scarves and simple blankets were all I could manage for many years but during that time I also enhanced my understanding of crochet and as times began to change, I found new resources to help grow this passion and my skills.

I have been crocheting now for over 20 years, I also still love cooking, baking, home DIY/decorating, Cricut crafts and anything where my creativity can be explored. My friends are always coming to me for creative advice and sharing my knowledge with others has always been a joy for me.

In 2021 after the craziness of the Covid 19 outbreak I asked a group of crochet friends from around the country if they would like to work on a project together throughout the year remotely. Of course, they said yes and suggested I share the idea with some of our other crochet groups on Facebook. To my surprise the Crochet Along group grew to hundreds of members from all over the world and my journey of sharing my love of yarn had begun. The first year was great and I enjoyed the community that had formed with all my members, even so, I had not planned on doing a second year until many members began to ask if I would please do one for 2022. I put on my thinking cap and sat down to create a new fun year-long project. During this second year I realized I wanted to be able to share all my creative passions with the world and the idea of The Pastel Blonde was formed.

Why The Pastel Blonde, you may ask? When I was doing some color palette research for a project, I saw a palette called pastel blonde and I thought to myself that’s me! Many who know me will attest that I am a very colorful person and not purely pastel, but the name stuck. After much research and help from great friends along the way I am now ready to share my knowledge of how to color your world with creativity.  Please always feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions as we embark on this adventure together.



April - The Pastel Blonde